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Acquiring Genetic Wealth Code, you get these three bonuses as a gift without paying anything.

Genetic Wealth Code Audio Track

The Genetic Wealth Code is a special program to activate your genetic wealth code using sound.

It’s the only program of its kind that does this.

Once your genetic wealth code is activated you are ready to at last experience a flood of wealth into your life like never before.

Genetic Wealth Code Planner

Your life is going to change radically in the next 21 days.

It’s going to continue to change over the next 6 months.

The genetic wealth code planner is going to help you plan and deal with all money and new opportunities that are coming your way.

Millionaire Mindset

This report is the perfect partner to the genetic wealth code.

Inside you will see how millionaires attract large sums of money almost effortlessly.

And how you can copy what they do

This report will help you maximize the results you get from the Genetic Wealth Code.

You will get a unique look into their mindset and be able to model the traits they have.

Chakra Healing Sounds

There is a potential to attract wealth in all of your Chakras.

This is a 7-track program to help you “unblock”, cleanse and heal all your Chakras so that you can multiply and magnify the wealth coming into your life.


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